From a press release issued by the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition:
CBC Radio (Almanac) is producing a week-long series of shows on the beetle issue running from Mon. Jan. 7 through Friday, Jan. 11. The shows should be broadcast on your local CBC station. A community forum will be held on Wednesday, January 9 at the Williams Lake Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex - Gibraltar Room, 7pm - 9pm, moderated by Mark Forsythe (host of Almanac).
If at all possible, it would be helpful if you could attend this event or take part in the call-in session. The purpose of your participation is to bring balance to the audience and to present any relevant, accurate information to the forum from your community. Here is the line-up for the week as supplied by CBC.
Monday, January 7
Impact of the Pine Beetle...We'll be speaking to a forester who's struggling in seeing a future for himself and his family in BC's forestry industry. We'll also speak with an economist about what impact the pine beetle is having on the BC economy and where he sees things need to change. Also why the Lower Mainland should care about what's happening in the interior.
Tuesday, January 8
The most up to date research in the Pine Beetle and what's happening now. We'll speak to some researchers about shelf life of Beetle kill wood.
Wednesday, January 9
An open-line segment of the show (1pm to 2pm). What is the plan and is it working? Debate over Pine Beetle Forest Management. We'll get a First Nations perspective and environmental perspective as well.
Evening (7pm to 9pm) Williams Lake Forum at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex in the Gibraltar Room. This forum will be taped and will air on Friday's show. Focus: helping communities and how we're going to move forward...what is the plan?
Thursday, January 10
Innovation... What can we do with the Pine Beetle Wood? Focus on bio-energy and new product development.
Friday, January 11
Air taped forum.
See also: